Saturday, March 29, 2008

One Week of Adventure, Pirate Adventure

I started on Tuesday at the Pirate Dinner Adventure, and have already completed a week of training with them. I guess it is training, but more along the lines of memorization - which is less than exciting. I am memorizing it fast though, at least I think I am.

Being trained as an audio technician, I am performing duties such as powering up the outside and house sound systems, wireless mic pack preparation, sound check, running preshow (lights, sound effects, winch operation and audio), and running the show audio. After the show, I de-battery the mic packs, fish things out of the "moat" and turn off all the equipment that is supposed to be off.

Have I learned much from this job yet? Yes! but now what I had expected. Its mostly about the way things operate in a semi-professional theater. Most interesting to me is the fact that the mentality of the production as a whole is, "If it works, it's good enough."

I don't know if any of you reading this have ever encountered business mentality of this manner. Instead of accepting methods that increase efficiency and effectiveness, they stay with the ways that they have been doing things because it "works." This inability to adapt to new ways has been driving me crazy.
I see blatant simple ways for the technical aspect of of the show to be made easier to run, but when I make suggestions, i get the same response, "this is the way we've always done it."

It is at this point that I want to slap the people that have been there for a while and say "wake up, change is GOOD!"

We'll see if I can't get some changes started. In the meantime, has any had an experience at work, or otherwise that is similar to what I have experienced? People not wanting to try something new because it is different than its been in the past?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Officially Unemployed-No-Longer

Happy Saint Patrick's day everybody! I hope you are enjoying yourselves, perhaps at a bar, drinking some green beer? Perhaps you're at home with your family eating corned beef and cabbage?! Yum! I have some exciting news for you on this day of green!

I got a call today from Gary at the Pirate Dinner Adventure. While I missed the call itself, I had a message on my phone saying something to the effect "If you are still interested in the job, give me a call."

I waited a couple minutes to call back because I screen my calls, but don't want people to know. Unfortunately, I missed Gary and had to leave a message. At about 6:30, I got called back and talked to him a few minutes. He let me know that if I wanted the job, it was mine. I said I would like the job - but not to eagerly, you never want to seem like you want it too much.

So tomorrow at 4pm I start my adventure with the pirate dinner adventure. I am not certain what to expect. The people may hate me, the duties may be boring, and I may regret it all - but that is an experience to be had tomorrow. Tonight, I celebrate my being Unemployed-no-longer.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Job Searching - A Full-Time Job

Whether those of you who know me realize it or not, I have been out of real work since before Halloween.

HALLOWEEN!?!? That's like 5 months of not working!

Yes, it is true. Aside from the fact that my money has completely ran out, it has been for the most part - relaxing and enjoyable.

Now that I have been looking for jobs in my area of interest/expertise, it has become fairly clear to me that I may need to find a new career. But first, I want to make a list of all the places I applied to and the result of these applications. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the list of unprofessional offices.

Fratelli Studios - Haunted House production company - No response, even after several emails.
Swank AV - Hospitality Central AV Production company - canned email response, emailed regional director, but no job
Shipwreck Productions - Haunted Attraction Production Company - No response
Knotts Berry Farm - Theme Park - Interviewed but no response, impossible to follow up due to 100% phone block from HR (what a joke)
Home Depot - Hardware Store - Canned Email Response, No response

Well, the list could go on, but the point has been made. There seems to be a trend to not reply or respond to requests for employment. How the heck does anyone get hired around here!? I have a college degree from a UC, and can't get a job at home depot?!?!? C'mon! I well enough educated that I could BS my way through that job if I needed to!

I have had one bit of "Luck" in my job search. The Pirate Dinner Adventure in Buena Park had a Technician position open, so I sent them my resume and I immediately got a reply!

Wow, a reply immediately!?!

I know, I was very excited too! I went in and met Gary Salisbury, a grumpy looking guy who turned out to be extremely friendly and fun to talk with. We chatted about my experience and what the position entailed and then continued by talking about all the down sides of workng there. I think the biggest negative is the fact that it is only a part-time position with no medical benefits. But at this point in my life, all I really need is a job that is consistent and interesting.

I was invited by Gary to come watch the show and have dinner. I was even able to bring a guest. At this point I am thinking, that if this is how their employees are treated - sign me up now! After the show I talked with Gary some more, and it seemed as though he liked me. If not, he is just a really friendly guy.

I expected to hear whether or not I was to be hired or not, but as the conversation ended, he let me know that he's still looking at some other people. I was very disappointed to hear this, but what else could I do.

Now I am just waiting to hear whether or not I have the job. Gary let me know he would have his decision sometime next week. But, as it seems he was not in any hurry to hire me, I don't think I made the cut. Looks like its back to the classified ads...

Has anyone else had problems with finding a job... even a basic one? I feel like I am alone on this.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Fine Day With The Dentist

Well, today was a fine day. At 2:00 I had a dental appointment for a cleaning. Now, I don't mind the dentist - or the oral hygienist for that matter, but there seems to be a common practice between all dental offices that I find somewhat... annoying - for lack of a better word.

I think this is probably annoying to anyone who has gone to the dentist. You come in, they're very friendly, ask you how you're doing. Then you sit down in their super-recliner chair, and they continue the conversation... with their fingers and sharp tools in your mouth. Now, I am not opposed to talking with fingers in my mouth, its the sharp picks and tools they are using. The best way to end the conversation is to say "no" to something - even if maybe you'd answer yes on another occasion. "So do you have a favorite food?" "No." "...oh." The excessive conversing ends there.

I have one other somewhat related issue with the whole teeth cleaning ordeal. I am not certain if I am the only person who feels this way, but maybe someone else can back me up on this. So, you're sitting horizontal to the floor, mouth open, fingers and sharp things in your mouth, when you start to notice a small pool of saliva building in the back of your throat. Your natural instinct is to swallow. Good luck! I don't know if it is actually possible, but I have never been able to swallow with my mouth open. Not water, not soda, and not saliva. I try to hold off the feeling that I need to swallow as long as I can, but my instincts take control and force me to make a very awkward, attempt at swallowing with my mouth open. I just end up closing my mouth and swallow while the hygienist is still working. Oh well, at least I don't have to see them for another 6 months.

Healthy teeth are important, at least in American society. I am happy to say that I have relatively healthy teeth. No new cavities were discovered at this cleaning which is good because I don't have the money to pay for X-rays or a filling, or anesthesia for that matter - ouch!

Chronicles of a Life Nearly Lost

Chronicles of a Life Nearly Lost - What does that mean? Several years ago, I had cancer and almost died... on multiple occasions. I am at a point in my life, where I think it might be good to reflect upon what I have experienced and learned throughout the rest of my living, however short or long that may end up being. I am fortunate to be on this earth, and would like to have something to show for it. Maybe one day people will look at this and think, "boy, that guy Ben, he really had something there."

However unlikely, it is nice to fantasize.

Well my friends, family, countrymen; I will leave you here as there is still time left to experience life.